CS9781620151372-Perfect.inddSome time back, early in the production of Blue Moon Vegetarian, I had queried New York Times best-selling author Caroline Leavitt about possibly writing a blurb for Blue Moon Vegetarian. I did this based on the fact that she had featured Valerie Miner, Standford University artist-in-residence who wrote a blurb for my collection of short stories, Summer of Government Cheese. I reasoned that if Caroline liked Valerie’s work enough to write about it, then she just might—by extension—like mine.

Turns out that was the case, but, alas, Caroline was stricken ill and was unable to get to my blurb before the deadline, but she was very generous in trying to make up for it, offering to feature the book, and me, on her frequently frequented blog. Here is the piece I wrote for her–a very proud moment indeed: