Subscribe to Receive My Rare and Occasional File Via Email
I always tell my writing students that a good piece of writing, be it a poem, a story, an essay, or a novel, unravels the meaning of the title. In this case, commitment-phobic as I am, the title “Rare and Occasional File” is a bit of insurance. If I know I only have to show up when I darn well feel like it, well, more’s the chance.
So, when you subscribe, you won’t be deluged with emails, but you will now and again be updated on book releases, news, events, and new recipes as they are developed.
Not to mention the fact that you’ll receive a great little e-book designed to help you down the path to more meatless meals. It’s called “Going Vegetarian is not a Road, but a Highway.” Also, subscribers receive a sneak peek of my newest novel, Jagged Edge of the Sky.